In celebration of 30 years of service to the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing community, Deaf Services Center, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of a new, more comprehensive and user-friendly website!
The new website is designed to keep visitors engaged and informed while providing enhanced ease of navigation and clear links to the wide variety of programs and services we offer to the community.
As you explore DSC’s new website at , you will meet our Board of Trustees and our Leadership Team, gain valuable knowledge and current information about our programs and services, request a community service or an interpreter and make a donation to help us continue our important work – without leaving the site!!
About Deaf Services Center, Inc.
Deaf Services Center, Inc. is the largest provider of essential programs and services to the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing community in Ohio.
We empower people of all ages living with language barriers to gain access to essential communication resources. Our comprehensive offering of programs and services provide needed assistance to the more than 800,000 Ohioans who live with hearing loss or who are non-English users to more fully access the English language and improve communication skills.
Deaf Services Center, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) organization and serves the state of Ohio through our Wortington, Ohio headquarters and through offices in Southeast Ohio (Portsmouth) and Northwest Ohio (Toledo).