Member Insights by Leverage HR, LLC
Studies show that optimism is about 25% inheritable, and then there are other factors that affect our positivity — like socioeconomic status — that are often out of our control. Yet, that still leaves a solid amount of wiggle room for us to develop a more optimistic outlook. “Some people are optimistic by nature, but many of us learn optimism as well. Anyone can learn to be optimistic — the trick is to find purpose in work and life, says Leah Weiss, Ph.D., a Stanford professor specializing in mindfulness in the workplace. As per Jennifer Cheavens at OSU, COVID-19 has created a magnified opportunity to look at happiness, optimism, and coping so we can continue to get better at it. There are some skills we can practice elevating our optimism and resiliency such as: acts of random kindness, gratitude, and mindfulness all of which can create what she calls an “upward spiral”. As per Dr. Hommema, a medical
director at OhioHealth, “In a placebo-controlled study, two-weeks of daily gratitude practice were as effective as Prozac in reducing symptoms of mild to moderate depression and increasing subjective well-being”. How will you create your upward spiral in 2021?
Sapna Welsh is a published author and Partner with Leverage HR, LLC, a leadership development firm, focused on elevating diverse talent and transforming cultures. You can contact Sapna at